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Avainsana-arkisto: historia
50 huomattavinta hetkeä Internetin historiassa
Cnet on julkaissut listan johon on koottu 50 vaikuttavinta hetkeä internetin historiasta.
Esimerkiksi Helmikuu -93:
In 1992, long before Firefox and Internet Explorer, there were a few browsers knocking about, including Erwise, Viola and Arena. But the first Web browser to really take off was called Mosaic. Developed by Marc Andreessen, a student at Illinois University, it ignited the explosive growth of the WWW and interest in Web sites and was eventually ported to the Macintosh OS by Aleks Totic, a Yugoslav. The 1.0 release was made available in April 1993.
Listalta löytyy myös muita mielenkiintoisia ”hetkiä” joten ei muuta kuin mars mars.